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mountain rain #aspen

 layers of sky, trees, and water drops. digital. 2022


Is this blog still active? Am I still making new art? I don't know and yes....

Scott Baxter: 100 years 100 Ranchers

A dream realized. My friend of over 30 years has recently finished his self-imposed project of photography 100 ranchers around the state of Arizona who have managed a ranch for a minimum time of100 years. The project was completed on the centennial year of Arizona's statehood 1912-2012. I have supported Scott in a number of ways by first creating a brand for the project and recently securing the sponsors, printing and designing the book to commemorate the project. This photo is of Scott standing next to one of his prints at the Phoenix Art Museum. We are lucky to have these ranchers documented. They are an important part of our history. Thanks Scotty.


> Sad day in our
state's history. Lives lost and the long lasting effects on our government is incomprehensible.

Happy New Year!

Moleskine Planners Collection Gets Larger. And Smaller.

I am a big fan of Moleskin and this style of animation....

InsideArt: Ed Mell

Ed Mell is one of Arizona's treasures. His work is an inspiration to us all.